gobi LWDS – Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Creation date: 2010-05-10. Revision #1, 2017-06-12.
1. Identification
Product name: gobi™ Liquid Waste Disposal Solution
Manufacturer information:
Recyc PHP Inc.
2575-28A St-Joseph boulvard, Drummondville (Qc) J2B 7V4, Canada
Tel: 819-477-1309
Fax: 819-445-1309
2. Hazards identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact, of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:
Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Floors become very slippery when wet.
3. Composition
Active ingredient: Sodium polyacrylate, crosslinked
4. First-aid Measures
Note: First aid instruction is applied for dry material and for material in contact with liquid (in gel form) except inhalation that is not applicable for gel form.
Eye: Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately wash affected eye for at least 15 minutes under running water with eyelids held open. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Cold water may be used.
Ingestion: Rinse mouth and then drink plenty of water. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
5. Fire-fighting Measures
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not applicable
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Suitable extinguishing types: Water spray, foam, dry extinguishing media
Non-suitable types for safety reason: Carbon dioxide, water jet
Additional information: Avoid whirling up the material because of the danger of dust explosion
Special protective equipment: Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus
Further information: Contaminated extinguishing water must be disposed in accordance with officials regulations
6. Accidental Release Measures
Personal precautions: Extremely slippery when wet. Breathing protection is recommended.
Methods for cleaning up and licking up: Sweep in containers for disposal.Personal precautions: Extremely slippery when wet.
Methods for cleaning up and taking up: Sweep in containers for disposal.
7. Handling and Storage
Handling: Breathing must be protected when large quantities are decanted without local exhaust ventilation. Avoid the formation and deposition of dust. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label.
Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Store in cool dry place.
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Components with workplace control parameters : A safe working level of 0,05 mg/m3 has been established for respirable superabsorbent polymer dust (particle size under 10 microns).
Personal protective equipment:
Respiratory: Breathing protection if dust is formed
Hand protection: Does not apply
Eye protection: Safety glasses with side-shields
General safety and hygiene measures: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wearing of closed work clothing is recommended.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Form: Granules
Color: White
Odor: Odorless. Some reclaimed grade could contain baby powder scent.
Ph Value: 4.9 – 6.5
Bulk density: Approx. 600 Kg/m3
Solubility in water: Partially soluble, only capable of swelling (20oC)
10. Stability and Reactivity
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature: Stable under usual application conditions.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials, Moisture. Stable in dry air. Decomposition above 200oC
Incompatibility with various substances: Not available
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive.
Special Remarks on Reactivity: Stable under usual application conditions.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
11. Toxicological Information
LD50/oral/rat: > 2000 mg/kg
LD50/dermal/rat: > 2000 mg/kg
Primary Skin irritation/Rabbit: Non-irritant (Method: OECD 404)
Primary irritations of the mucous membrane/Rabbit: Very slight eye irritation. Particle effect (Method OECD 405)
Sensitization: 0/20 No sensitization (Method : OCDE n°406 ).
Further information: A chronic (two-year) lifetime inhalation study on rats with respirable superabsorbent polymer dust (micronized to <10 microns) resulted in an unspecified inflammatory response in the lungs followed by tumour development in some rats in the highest chronic exposure level of 0,8 mg/m3.
In the absence of chronic inflammation, tumours are not expected.
12. Ecological Information
Toxicity to fish: OECD Guideline 203 static. Brachydanio rerio/LC50 (96h): >100 mg/l
Aquatic invertebrates: OECD Guideline 202, part 1 static. Daphnia magna/EC50 (48h): >100 mg/l
Aquatic plants: OECD Guideline 201. Desmodesmus subspicatus/EC50 (72h): >100 mg/l
Microorganisms/Effect on activated sludge: The inhibition of the degradation activity of activated sludge is not anticipated when introduced to biological treatment plants in appropriate low concentrations.
Soil living organisms: OECD Guideline 207. Eisenia foetida/LC50: >1.000mg/Kg
Persistence and degradability
The product is not very soluble in water and can thus be removed from water mechanically in suitable effluent treatment plants.
Additional information
Due to the consistency of the product, dispersion into the environment is impossible. Therefore no negative effects on the environment may be anticipated based in the present state of knowledge.
Do not release untreated into natural waters. The eco-toxic effect of the product has not been tested. The information on this way derived from products of similar structure or composition.
13. Disposable Consideration
Must be dumped or incinerated in accordance with local regulations. A waste code in accordance with the European waste catalog (EWC) cannot be specified, due to dependence on the usage. Observe national and local legal requirements.
Contaminated packaging:
Undamaged packaging may be responsibly reused after proper cleaning. Packs that cannot be cleaned should be disposed of in the same manner as the contents.
14. Transport and Regulatory Information
Not classified as hazardous under transport regulations (ADR RID ADNR IMDG/GGV See ICAO/IATA).
15. Regulatory Information
Labeling according to Directive 1999/45/EEC: The product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with EC Directives.
Health Hazard: 0
Fire Hazard: 0
Reactivity: 0
16. Other Information
The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge and does not therefore guarantee certain properties. Recipients of our products must take responsibility for observing existing laws and regulations.